Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Nails Are Awesome

Perhaps I'm the only one who cares about nail polish stuff. But seriously, this turned out pretty awesome. My nails are horribly peely and weak, so I have the problem that whenever I paint them, the polish looks awful on the tips, and it chips within a day or so. So I got this brilliant idea that I was going to cover up the tips with some other color. It's pretty much my first attempt at doing something interesting with my nails. It's kind of like the whole gradient idea thing, except that my nails were copper and I wanted to add silver, which doesn't really lend itself to a gradient very well. But who cares. It looks awesome. Check it out:

Zoya Ginessa

The ones above are my right hand, which is (in case you're interested in brands) Zoya Penny on my middle and pinky fingers and Julep Zoe on the other two (yes, they're two different coppers that look identical). The silver is Zoya Ginessa.

These ones are Julep Zoe on the middle and pinky fingers and Zoya Penny on the other two with Zoya Laney on the tips.

Seriously, try to tell me that's not awesome. Because you're wrong. Plus, I don't care. I think it's awesome.

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